Happy Wednesday Rockers! I'm a big time binder lovin' girl. I have a binder for just about everything. Seriously, it's nuts. I have one for Christmas, camping, recipes, coupons, the household budget, gift giving, and this lovely little Crazy Concert Crew binder. Alright, alright, I know that chasing concerts isn't for everyone, but you can nickname your own binder depending on your own hobby.
The record setting 2007 concert season was the reason for this little beauty. See, we hit 18 concerts that year. Some of them with up to 10 kids between everyone. We had an absolute blast, but repetitive list making and direction getting got real old, real quick.
At some point I thought it would be useful to make a reference book of sorts, to keep track of it all and something that traveled well, that I could just grab and go. I started by dividing the binder with tabs marking the different venues we'd already been to. Here's a little list of what's in each tab section:
Directions to and from the venue.
The phone number to the venue.
Ticket purchase information.
Parking charges if any.
The number for the local taxi company. Hey, better safe than sorry! You may come across someone that needs it, even if you don't.
Print out of the seating chart
A list of items you are and aren't allowed to bring in with you.
Little side notes of interest, like local camp grounds, gas stations, restaurants, or if there is a serious lack of these things. Really, one of the venues in my book has a note that says "Get gas at the crazy expensive gas station in town if you need it because you'll run out before you get to the next one 30 minutes up the road." Another one says, " Remember, there are two parking lot H's here. Pay attention!"
In the first few pages of the binder I have our packing lists. The "bare essentials" list is, of course, much shorter than the "rocking with kids" list, but it was important to separate the two for quick reference. I also added a reminder page for things like checking the oil and spare tire, and not to forget to let the cat out. Then, for fun, I added a couple empty pages from an old photo album as a safe place to quickly put ticket stubs and other little souvenirs you pick up along the way.
Finally in the front pocket is where I keep the tickets for the current event, a phone card, road side assistance info, any coupons we may need and few emergency dollars. After all, at the end of a long heavy metal night, we all just want to get home safe, right?
Since keeping my concert binder for quick reference works for me, I thought maybe it was worth sharing no matter what your favorite adventures are.
Don't forget to go check out Works For Me Wednesdays over at We are THAT Family.
Until next time, rock on my friends!
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