Happy Monday rockers! I hope everyone had a great weekend. We had an awesome time at the aquarium in San Francisco and an amazing lunch at Fisherman's Wharf. If only I'd have brought a thermos. I'd have bottled up that clam chowdery goodness for lunch today. Maybe next time!
This week is going to be absolutely insane with end of the school year activities and camping prep work. Let the fun begin!
Dinners this week are going to be Clean the Fridge Stir Fry. This is a lot like my Clean the Fridge Soup. Slice up whatever veggies are in the fridge and fry up in a little olive oil. You can make the sauce two ways. You can mix a gravy packet or two up with the water and about a tablespoon of soy sauce and pour over the cooked veggies in the pan; simmer till thickened. Or you can mix a can of broth with 2 tablespoons cornstarch and a tablespoon of soy sauce; pour over cooked veggies and simmer until thickened. Add sliced up leftover meat if you want. Serve over any cooked pasta or rice. You can also use two bags of frozen stir fry veggies if you have them. I'll make a double batch so we can have this for lunches too.
Tuesday we are going out for dinner to celebrate our daughter's eighth grade graduation. I swear last week I was walking her to her first day of kindergarten!
Wednesday I'm going to be at the school most of the day volunteering so I'm going to try this recipe for slow cooker baked potatoes. That way when I get home I'll just heat up a couple cans of chili for chili baked potatoes. Again, I'll be making a few extra potatoes for lunches.
Thursday we'll have breakfast for dinner. We'll have Breakfast Sausage Casserole and I'll throw together a Bread Pudding. I can mix all this together in the morning before we leave for our giant before camping errands and shopping trip. Then, I just have to toss them both in the oven that evening. I'll probably make apple salad to go with this too.
Friday we'll barbecue hamburgers and hot dogs to celebrate the end of the school year. I'll make some homemade JoJo Potatoes on the side.
Saturday will be a giant baking day. It's going to be my last full Saturday to bake for at least a couple weeks, so I've got a huge list to accomplish. To make it easy on myself, I'll make a double batch of pizza dough so we can have pizza and salad for dinner.
I'm hoping that by Sunday I won't be too burned out to cook. Note to self: find a casserole to throw together on baking day for Sunday. Otherwise we'll throw together some sandwiches.
As far as breakfasts go, I've called for an anything week. There's some baked oatmeal in the freezer and some muffins from past baking days that I want gone because I need the room. We also have a bunch of strawberries and yogurt for smoothies.
Have a great week rockers and go here to check out more menu plans!
Until next time, rock on my friends!
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