It's the first Monday of summer vacation for us! It was absolutely amazing to wake up without the alarm clock screaming at me.
It's going to be yet another crazy week here at the Headbangin' Household. Wednesday I have a dentist appointment and then Thursday we leave for our annual camping trip. I've got a ginormous list of last minute packing and cleaning, blog posts to schedule and baking to finish. I really planned on finishing up yesterday, but discovered (the hard way) that I need to make a run to the store. Since we do our grocery shopping in the next town over, and aren't headed that way until tonight, baking will be postponed until tomorrow.
The menu I'm sharing today is half normal and half camping. Everything is simple, as usual.
Monday we're having Peanut Butter Baked oatmeal for breakfast. For lunch, we'll have pizza cups from baking day and then ham and potato chowder with corn bread for dinner. I finally managed to bake the giant ham from the freezer on Saturday. It was a good thing, too, because we finally had our first 90 degree day in my part of the world yesterday. Hello Summer!
Tuesday's breakfast is scrambled eggs and toast. Then, for lunch we'll have corn dog muffins from the freezer. Dinner will be either homemade macaroni and cheese or fettuccine Alfredo. I need to check and see what cheeses I have in the fridge.
Wednesday for breakfast we'll have either cereal or peanut butter toast. Since my appointment is first thing in the morning, we need super quick and easy. Lunch is going to be more pizza cups and then dinner will be leftovers. I'll be too busy to want to cook and I don't want to leave a bunch of leftovers in the fridge for a week, because, well, ewww!
Thursday morning we will have breakfast sandwiches. For lunch on the first day of camping I always make everyone a "lunch bag of goodness". They usually have a PB&J, fruit, cookies, water and a juice box, crackers, trail mix and a couple Jolly Ranchers. I load them down pretty heavy because, with all the campsite set up during the first few hours, no one has time to stop and make lunch. I also make sure there's plenty of variety so the kids don't tear everything apart looking for the snack bin. Dinner that night will be pre made Dog Food Salad. Don't freak out on me, I didn't name it! It's just taco salad, but the girl I got the recipe from back in high school, called it Dog Food Salad and who am I to change it?
Friday morning is going to be breakfast burritos with eggs, ham and cheese. Lunch is going to be hot dogs and chips. Dinner that night is Chili Baked Potatoes.
Saturday breakfast will be pancakes and Spam. We use the "just add water" kind of pancake mix for camping. Actually, this is the only time during the year that we use pancake mix at all. Lunch is going to be macaroni and cheese with any leftover hot dogs that need to be finished. If you use Pasta Roni, you don't have to drain the pasta. It's the simple things that make your day while camping! Dinner that night is going to be nachos. Just heat your cans of beans and cheese (yes, we use canned nacho cheese sauce for camping) over the fire and dump over your chips. Add salsa, sliced olives and sour cream if you have it. I don't know why, but these nachos are the most amazing concoction after a hard day of raft races down the river!
Sunday's breakfast will be cream of wheat. If we still have any bread that needs using, we'll have toast too. Lunch will be Chili Baked potatoes again and then dinner will be Backpacker's Thanksgiving Dinner otherwise known as Hobo dinner around here. I usually add a can of corn to the stuffing mixture. This dinner has become a camping tradition. The recipe can be made in any amount, nothing needs refrigeration and it is so filling. Everyone loves it.
For desserts, of course there is s'mores, s'mores and s'more s'mores. Although one night near the beginning of the trip we'll also have Banana Boats.
There you have it folks! Have a great week! And don't forget to chek out Menu Plan Monday for more menu ideas.
Until next time, rock on my friends!